Study of determination of activating solution forsperm in wild carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Document Type : Biology(Animal)


1 National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

4 Center for Reproduction and Breeding of Sturgeon, Gorgan, Iran


In this study effects of activating solution on motility sperm (duration of motility and percentage of motility) of wild carp were investigated. Therefore, after determine optimum pH, effect of those with everyone of Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions were detected, and two saline solution that maximum total period of motility and maximum percentage of motile sperm were selected as activating solution. The activating solution (1) was: (50mM of Nacl, 30mM of kcl, 30mM of Tris, pH = 10.31) and activating solution (2) was: (50mM of Nacl, 40mM of kcl, 30mM of Tris, pH = 10.68). Then effect of these saline solution with Billard's saline solution: (45mM of Nacl, 5mM of kcl, 2.5mM of Tris,19mM of glycine pH= 8), and Poupard,s saline solution: (45mM of Nacl, 5mM of kcl, 30mM of Tris, pH= 8) and distill weter (0.4mM of Nacl) and hatchery water on motility sperm (duration of motility and percentage of motility) of wild carp were investigated. Results of this study showed that maximum total period of motility and maximum percentage of motile sperm were seen in selected saline solution(50mM of Nacl, 30mM of kcl, 30mM of Tris, pH= 10.31), (P>0.05).
