Evaluation of some heavy metal levels in Zarivar international wetland by monitoring of Cyprinus carpio

Document Type : Ecology


1 Assistant Professor Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Malayer University, Malayer, Hamedan, Iran

2 Department of Environment, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Zarivar international wetland has high ecological significance and are treasure of genetic resources. Thus, assessment of pollution in this ecosystem is necessary that can be performed by use of aquatic organisms as biological indicators such as fish. This research ‎was carried out in order to evaluation of heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Zn ) in Zarivar international wetland by ‎measuingt these metals  in  muscle tissue  of Cyprinus carpio. For this purpose, sampling was done during ‎the seasons winter 2013 from the study area. After biometry of the catch fishes samples, muscle ‎tissues dissected and samples were prepared and analyzed. Concentrations of selected metals in ‎muscle tissue by acid digestion‏ ‏method (HNO3:HClO4)‎‏ ‏were measured using an atomic absorption ‎spectrophotometer (HR-CS AAS)‎‏.‏‎ Statistical analyses were done using the SPSS software. ‎ The mean ‎concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in carpio muscle were 0.4, 0.33 and 127.5 μg/g dry weight, ‎respectively. The results indicated no significant differences in metal concentration between the males ‎and females. The metals concentrations in muscles of this species were below the recommended limits by world ‎organizations with exception of  Cd that was above the permissible limits by NHMRC.‎ It seem be that agricultural runoff and wastewater discharge are the main anthropogenic source of these toxic heavy metals in the Zarivar international wetland.
