Author Guidelines
The Journal of Animal Environment provides clear and comprehensive author guidelines to ensure that submissions are of high quality and adhere to the journal's standards. These guidelines cover all aspects of manuscript preparation, submission, and publication, helping authors navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.
Manuscript Preparation:
- Content and Structure: Authors are expected to present their research in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner. Manuscripts should include the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. Each section should be clearly labeled and follow the journal's formatting guidelines.
- Title and Abstract: The title should be descriptive and concise, reflecting the content of the manuscript. The abstract should provide a brief summary of the research, including the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. It should be no longer than 250 words and include 4-6 keywords that accurately describe the research.
- Figures and Tables: Figures and tables should be used to present data and results clearly and effectively. Each figure and table must be accompanied by a descriptive caption and be referenced in the text. Authors are encouraged to use high-resolution images and ensure that figures and tables are properly formatted according to the journal's guidelines.
- References: The journal requires that all sources cited in the manuscript be listed in the References section at the end of the manuscript. References should be formatted according to the journal's citation style, which follows the APA, MLA, or other relevant styles. Authors are encouraged to use reference management software to ensure consistency and accuracy.
- Ethical Considerations: Authors must include a statement on ethical considerations if their research involves human or animal subjects. This includes providing details on the ethical approval obtained, the consent of participants, and how ethical guidelines were followed throughout the research process.
Submission Process:
- Online Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system. Authors will be required to create an account and follow the step-by-step instructions to upload their manuscript, along with any supplementary materials. The system allows authors to track the progress of their submission throughout the review process.
- Cover Letter: A cover letter must accompany the submission, outlining the significance of the research and its relevance to the journal's focus and scope. The cover letter should also include a statement confirming that the manuscript is original, has not been previously published, and is not under consideration by another journal.
- Author Contributions: The journal requires that all co-authors be listed and that their contributions to the research be clearly stated. This includes specifying who was responsible for the study design, data collection, analysis, and writing of the manuscript. Authors must also confirm that all co-authors have approved the final version of the manuscript.
- Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research or its interpretation. This includes financial interests, personal relationships, or other factors that could affect the objectivity of the research. A conflict of interest statement must be included in the manuscript.
Manuscript Review and Revision:
- Peer Review Process: Once submitted, manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process, as described in the Peer Review Process section. Authors should be prepared to receive feedback and make revisions based on the reviewers' comments. The journal encourages authors to respond to reviewers' comments thoroughly and to make necessary changes to improve the quality of their manuscript.
- Revisions and Resubmission: If revisions are requested, authors will be given a specific timeframe to submit a revised manuscript. The revised manuscript should be accompanied by a point-by-point response to the reviewers' comments, detailing the changes made and addressing any remaining concerns.
- Final Acceptance: Once the manuscript has been revised to the satisfaction of the reviewers and editors, it will be accepted for publication. Authors will receive a final acceptance letter, and the manuscript will move into the production phase. During this phase, the manuscript will be copyedited, typeset, and proofread before publication.
Publication and Post-Publication:
- Open Access: The Journal of Animal Environment is an open-access journal, meaning that all published articles are freely available to the public. Authors are encouraged to share their work widely, and the journal promotes the dissemination of research through various channels, including social media, academic networks, and institutional repositories.
- Author Rights and Licensing: Authors retain the copyright of their work and grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the article. The journal operates under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, allowing others to use, share, and build upon the work, provided proper credit is given.
- Article Processing Charge: The Journal of Animal Environment does not charge authors any fees for submission, peer review, or publication. The journal is committed to promoting open access and ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent the dissemination of high-quality research.
- Post-Publication Corrections: If errors are discovered in the published article, authors are encouraged to notify the journal promptly. The journal will issue corrections or retractions as necessary to maintain the integrity of the academic record.
Support and Resources for Authors:
- Author Support: The journal provides ongoing support to authors throughout the submission, review, and publication process. This includes access to resources such as submission guidelines, formatting templates, and technical support for the online submission system. Authors can also contact the editorial team with any questions or concerns.
- Promotion of Published Work: The journal actively promotes published articles through various channels, including social media, academic conferences, and collaborations with research institutions. Authors are encouraged to participate in these promotional activities to increase the visibility and impact of their research.
- Recognition and Awards: The Journal of Animal Environment recognizes outstanding contributions to the field by offering awards and recognition for the best papers published each year. These awards are based on criteria such as originality, significance, and impact, and are selected by the editorial board and reviewers.
The Journal of Animal Environment is dedicated to supporting authors in their research endeavors by providing clear guidelines and resources for manuscript preparation and submission. By adhering to these guidelines, authors can ensure that their work meets the journal's high standards and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of animal-environment interactions.