Ophthalmectomy on a male breeder ostrich in Iran

Document Type : Disease


1 Animal Science Department, Agriculture Faculty, islamic Azad University Varamin –Pishva

2 Veteran and Technician of Breeder ostrich


Ocular damages (ophthalmopathies) are possible in domestic animals and according to severity and position they need various treatments. Conjunctiva is outer layer of eyeball and conjunctivitis is generated by different factors like traumatic and/or pathogenic agents. Treatment of conjunctivitis aids to return the vision. In severe cases like this male breeder ostrich in according to acute conjunctivitis corneal necrosis general eyeball infection and unsuccessful previous treatments right unconditional blindness, to reduction the risk of developing the infection and contagion to left eye, it was forced to ophthalmectomy (enucleation of eyeball).
