Biometrical of Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Kish Island, the Persian Gulf

Document Type : Biology(Animal)


1 Department of Environmental Protection, Mahshahr Port, Iran

2 Persian Gulf University of Bushehr, Iran

3 Department of Environment, Kish Free Zone Organization, Iran


This study was performed for biometrics and investing the status of biological Hawksbill turtles of the Kish Island in 2010-2011. 21 Hawksbill turtles accidentally were biometrics. The obtained results contains the average weight of turtles were 40.143±1.03kg, the average straight carapace length were 65±0.718cm, the average curve carapace length were 71.57±0.559cm, the average straight carapace width were 50.619±0.703cm, the average curve carapace width were 65.214±0.493cm and the average number of eggs were 92.5. The highest correlation between weight and the curve carapace length obtained with the correlation coefficient was r=0.765. The results showed that there is no significant differences between the Hawksbill turtles in the Iranian islands of the Persian Gulf in terms of biometric parameters, but the Hawksbill turtles are bigger than those in the other countries of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea region and are smaller than elsewhere. The purpose of this research was understanding the biological status of these valuable species for better planning in order to protect them.
