Study of biomass rate, catch per unit area (CPUA), distribution and abundance of demersal fishes in deep-sea layers of Oman Sea

Document Type : Animal science


1 Islamic Azad University, Tehran Research Branch, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology

2 Institute of Fisheries Sciences Research Institute, Tehran, PO Box: 6116-14155


In this study, we used "Ferdows 1" research vessel and sampling conducted on random basis, through 119 sampling stations in 7 zones with 4 deep-sea layers as: 10-20, 20-30, 30-50 and 50-100 meters, throughout the Oman Sea. Achieved data recorded in pre-schemed forms and processed through "Excel" and "Arc View GIS" soft wares. One hundred species or genus identified in bottom trawl catch composition which categorized as commercial and non-commercial species. The total biomass of aquatics in bottom trawl net estimated as 52472.7 Mt. 60% of this amount allocated to commercial demersal species with 31651.7 Mt. Comparing biomass rates in the Oman Sea layers, it is determined that the maximum biomass rate is in 50-100 and 10-20 meter layers, respectively. Study of CPUA in 7 zones of the Oman Sea revealed that identical to biomass, zone F (Sirik to Jask) positioned first with 20162 Kg per square nautical mile. For 10-20 meter layer, CPUA is 1.6 folded in 50-100 meter depth.
