Effects of washing, peeling and storage on residue contents of four pesticides in cucumbers grown in greenhouses (Cucumis sativus var:vista)

Document Type : Nutrition


Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran


           Pesticides residues on foods are potentially toxic to humans and it is of great concern. They may induce adverse health effects such as cancer, effects on reproduction, immune and nervous system complications. One of the important goals of public and environmental health officials is reducing exposure to pesticide residues on foods. Food preparation highly influences the Pesticides residues and safety of the food.
the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of storagewashing, peeling and storage on residue contents of four pesticides in cucumbers grown in greenhouses. this study was performed in which cucumber samples were harvested after spraying and their concentration was determined.In this section, the following processes were examined: Washing with drinking water: The samples were immersed in drinking water for 10 minutes and had a ten-second wear,.Cutting operations: In the other part, to evaluate the effect of peeling with a knife and tried to even remove the thickness of the skin taken for all The samples were of the same size, Storage operation at 4 ° C:, on the amount of relevant pesticide reduction. To carry out this stage of the study, at first, 1 kg of samples were transferred to the laboratory after harvesting. In the laboratory, samples were stored in plastic nylon in the refrigerator at 4 ° C and kept in the dark. On days 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21 about one quarter kilogram of sample was taken out of the refrigerator and the extraction of the toxins was performed on them. The studied procedures as simple and effective processing methods could be used for reducing and removing pesticides on greenhouse products as home or commercial processing techniques. . Accordingly, Peeling is one of the other important techniques in the processing of most fruits and vegetables(P<0.05).. The comparison of the mean levels of four pesticides residues showed a significant difference between the peeled and unpeeled samples .The washing procedure is an important method to pesticide residue dissipation in both household and commercial food processing . The effect of this procedure depends on the type of pesticides and the locations affected.  Which indicates that compliance with the PHI (Per Harvest Interval) reduce the risks of residual pesticides.


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