Bioaccumulation of Mercury using Liver,Kidney,Muscle and Feather Tissue in Mousa Creecks (Case study: Egretta garzetta and Sterna Hirundo )

Document Type : Animal environment


1 Environmental Group, Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company, Aghajari, Iran

2 Young and Elite Researchers Club, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


In this study, the amount of mercury in the tissues (feathers, kidneys, liver and muscle) of two species of mousa Creecks birds( Egretta garzetta and Sterna Hirundo) were investigated. The results of this study showed that the concentration of mercury in the studied tissues is more than the effect of the feeding location and the sex of the birds. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the amount of Bioaccumulation of mercury between males and females and the common marine swallow (P <0.05). The amount of mercury in the feather , liver, kidney and muscle of male breastbearer is 13/5, 5.37, 4/67, and 2/36 μg/g , and in the female Stern hirundo was 12/45, 3 / 26, 38/06 and 1/2 μg/g and in Egretta garzetta male 7/16, 4/56, 3/28, 1/53μg/g , and in the male Egretta garzetta 6/36, 2/68, 2/16, 1 / 33 μg/g . The total amount of mercury in the tissues of the birds was as follows: muscle> kidney> liver> full. Total mercury . The average concentration of mercury in the swallowtail was higher than that in the Stern hirundo, which had a negative effect on reproduction and behavior, and its value was 12/97 μg/g .


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