Red blood cells histology and study of some blood biochemical parameters in spotted catshark Chiloscyllium punctatum in Persian Gulf

Document Type : Physiology (Animal)


1 Department of basic Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahvaz university of Shahid Chamran

2 Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology


Checking and analysis of hematological and biochemical blood serum contains, electrolytes and non-electrolytes is one of the main ways in which the diagnosis in marine that several factors can change it. In this study 30 spotted catsharks, with similar characteristics of both sexes were caught from the Darvish estuary, northern of Persian Gulf. After blood collection staining, smeer prepration and separation of serum, biochemical parameters, including glucose, cholesterol, albumin, total protein, urea, cortisol, creatinine and triglycerides were measured by auto analyzer, spectrophotometry and RIA for cortisol levels. Microscopic results for red blood cells showed that they were ellipse possessed a nucleus in the center respectively. Results were indicated that no significant difference between the measured parameters except for the albumin (p>0.05). Also, cholesterol and creatinine were the maximum and minimum amounts in both sexes, glucose and urea in males were more than females, but albumin, cortisol, total protein and triglycerides were higher in females than males. In this research, blood biochemical parameters cat in cat spotted shark were similarities and differences with other aquatic animals that have been reported.
