Identification of Amphipoda of eastern Bahracan shores in Persian Gulf, with emphasis on the two dominant families: Ampithoidae and Ampeliscidae

Document Type : Biodiversity


1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Faculty of sciences, University of Shahid Chamran, P.O.Box:139, Ahvaz, Iran

2 South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, P.O. Box: 61645-866, Ahvaz, Iran


Despite of all the studies of aquatic invertebrates of Bahracan estuary, as yet Amphipoda inhibiting in the eastern shores muddy substrates of it, have not been studies from the point view of identification. The present investigation, aims to identify the Amphipods Bahracan shores (29˚ 50'-30˚ 15'N, 49˚ 30'-49˚ 55'E) of the Persian Gulf which was done during the seasons of spring and summer of 1392. Sampling was done by using vanveen Grab (with 0.0625m² surface areas) from stations in intertidal zone and 6-25 m depth. The samples were counted and identified through the valid identification keys. The obtained results of the study, identified six families were belonged to suborder Gammaridea, which are fallow:
Ampithoidae, Ampeliscidae, Isaeidae, Gammaridae, Melitidae, Ischyroceridae.
Frequency of each family was calculated throughout the study period; the families of Ampeliscidae and Ampithoidae were identified and introduced as the dominant families in Bahracan with 39.47%.
