Effective of QTLs with different dominance levels on pattern of linkage disequilibrium created by mutant

Document Type : Genetic


Islamic Azad University, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Iran


In this study a population of 160 males and 320 females with genome consists of 4 chromosomes were simulated. The first chromosome have 100 biallelic loci and the other chromosomes each one have 50 biallelic loci. Then a causative mutation (QTL) on chromosome 1 and 50th loci with genotypic effect equal to the half of the supposed standard deviation of breeding values were simulated for a randomly selected individual (Mutant). Remainder loci of chromosome 1 were considered as traceable SNP markers neglecting other chromosomes. Assuming random mating of selected parents, 2 offspring per dam were simulated. 50 discrete generations by selecting 50% of the male progenies based on breeding values and all female progenies as parents of the next generation. Linkage disequilibrium and allelic frequency of progenies were calculated for markers of first chromosome for different levels of dominance during all generations. The results showed that the levels of dominance cannot change linkage disequilibrium pattern and no efficiently on identify sweeps. But they can play a role in continuity of Sweeps.
