Investigation of Phylogeography of Yazd Province Wild Sheep population based on the Mitochondrial Genome data

Document Type : Genetic


1 Department of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, P.O. Box:49138-15739, Gorgan, Iran

2 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, the University of Guilan, P.O.Box: 1144, Sowmesara, Iran


* Corresponding Author’s email:

Phylogeography studies usually represent the importance of historical processes in shaping of current geographical distribution of species and genes. The main purpose of this paper is investigating the genetic distance as well geographical distance of the Yazd province based on the mitochondrial data. In this study cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial genome from Ovis vignei and Ovis orientalis stool and tissue were examined for the association between haplotype, the haplotype genetic distance and geographical distribution. 9 haplotype of 30 sequences attained from Wild Sheep in Yazd province. Siahkooh Protected Area, Kalmand-Bahadoran Protected Area and Shirkooh No Hunting Area have got a common haplotype that represents extensive distribution of this haplotype than others in Yazd province. Calculated matrix of genetic distances demonstrates the greatest genetic distance (0.272) related to Wild Sheep in Buruieh Wildlife Refuge. The highest number of polymorphisms between the haplotype belongs to the Buruieh Wildlife Refuge by the 15 polymorphisms. Environmental event such as expansion of the Zagros Mountain in the south of province of Yazd is one of the important reasons for the distribution of Urial and Armenia Wild Sheep in Yazd province. Moreover, the lack of genetic exchange between Wild Sheep of northern and center of Yazd and Buruieh Wildlife Refuge is affected by extent plains in these regions.
