The Study of Behavior of feeding in silver shark (Blantiocheilos melanopterus) Using Acidic Free Amino Acid (Aspartic Acid and Glutamic Acid)

Document Type : Nutrition


Department of Fishery, Faculty of Fishery and Environmental Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, P.O.Box: 49138-15739, Gorgan, Iran


Free amino acids have a stimulatory effect on the taste system. The purpose of this study was to study of the behavioral responses of Blantiocheilos melanopterus to various concentrations of stimulant taste substances. Taste preferences of silver shark (Blantiocheilos melanopterus) 3/8±0/15g to granules containing differences amounts of amino acids were established. The granules containing different concentrations amino acids, and control (lacking amino acids) preparation, and behavioral responses to each granule were recorded. Highest palatability index, percentage of consumption and consumption/grasp, were observed at concentrations of 0.01M of Glutamic acid and Aspartic acid. In high concentration of substances decreased (p≥0.05). High correlation was between in percent consumption and palatability index (p≥0.05). Glutamic acid and Aspartic acid were highly attractive. Different behavioral responses in varied fish spaces to same amino acid, ascribed to highly species-specific in fish taste preferences.
