Distribution and Diversity of Hard Corals in Chabahar bay (Oman sea)

Document Type : Biodiversity


Marine biology department,Marine science faculty,Chabahar university of maritime and marine science


Tostudy thedistribution anddiversity ofhardcoralsafter theprimitive studiesinChabaharBay with fieldworks in 1387, fourpointswereselectedas astation. Usingline transect method,data from therange of3-2mand8-5mdepthwere collected. Mostly beaches in gulf were sandy and muddy-sand and rocky bottoms that recorded corals were in the southeastern. Aftersampling20 speciesfromninefamilies were identified,except forstation4 (TIS), the4 specieswere recorded, most specieswereseenatotherstations. Faviidae family had thegreatest number ofspecies, inStation3 (Lipar) and  hada high coral coverage. One –way ANOVAtestin the range of3-2mdepthbetweenstationsLyparand Beheshti  in coveragerate ofthe speciesshowedsignificant differences(p<0.05)butin the range of8-5mdepthstationswere withoutsignificant. Shannon, SimpsonandHilldiversityindex were calculatedforallstations. Mostvariation diversityindepth of3-2matstation3 (Hotel Lipar) andat8-5mdepthatStation 1(ShahidBeheshti) wasseen. Diversityindices don’t showedsignificant differencesinthedepthrange(p>0.05). Althoughcoral reefs inChabaharBaycompared withmany corals  area ofPersian Gulfhavelittle spread but havebeen avariety ofspecies, showing that Bayecologicalconditionssuitableforgrowthofdifferent speciesthat Unfortunately,theirhabitatsby expandinghuman activitiesis declininggradually.
