Study of the relationship between body length and preferred habitat factors in Siah mahi (Capoeta gracilis, Keyserling 1861) in Taleghan River

Document Type : Ecology


1 ِDepartment of Biodiversity , Environment Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Fisheries , Fisheries department, University of Tehran, Karaj. Iran

3 Department of Fisheries , Natural Resources Faculty, University of Tehran, Karaj. Iran

4 Department of Environment, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources , Arak University, Arak, Iran


This survey was conducted to study the relationship between total length of Capoeta gracilis (with selection of two length ranges, including TL>11cm and TLC. gracilis were different in Taleghan River. The results also revealed that the length class with total length of more than 11 cm selects habitats with higher elevation (p<0.05), greater river width (p<0.01), higher water velocity (p<0.01), regions with larger bed stones (p<0.01) and lower temperature (p<0.01). The selected habitats of length class with total length less than 11 cm are area with lower elevation (p<0.05), less river width (p<0.01), lower water velocity (p<0.01) and higher temperature (p<0.01). Presence of proper habitat conditions in Taleghan River has been resulted in an excellent habitat for different age groups of C. gracilis.
