Study of sexual dimorphim in morphometric characters and some growth parameters of the fidder crab Austruca sindensis (Alcock, 1900) eastern coast of Bandar Abbas, Persian Gulf

Document Type : (original research)


1 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Technology, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran

2 Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran



The aim of this study was investigation sexual dimorphim in morphometric characters and some growth parameters of Austruca sindensis on eastern coast of Bandar Abbas (behind the airport) during January 2017 to December 2018. Samples after collecting were moved to biology laboratory of Hormozgan university for more study. 857 Individuals (457 males and 382 females) have collected. Based on results, carapace width means of male crabs (9.48 ± 2.52 mm) was obtained significantly more than carapace width mean of female crabs (8.47 ± 1.84 mm) (P<0.05). Among the studied parameters, proportion of fifth and sixth abdomen width was significantly more in females (P<0.05). The negative allometric growth was observed for both sex. Also, the exponential value (b) estimated was obtained 2.92 for male crabs and 2.72 for female crabs (P<0.05). In this study, Asymptotic carapace width (CW∞), the theoretical age at length zero (t0), maximum life span estimated 23 mm, -0.13, 2.6 year for male and 19.8 mm, -0.1, 1.9 year for female. Also, growth rate (k) and mortality of female were high in comparison to male crabs. The condition factor value of males (0.042±0.006) was obtained significantly more than of females (0.034±0.006) (P<0.05). In addition, variations in the condition factor rate were correlated with temperature.


Main Subjects

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