Ecological Assessment of A.franciscana (imported Specie) Husbandry with the Local Specie of Ghom Province (A. partenogenetica) at the southern margin of Ghom’s Namak Lake

Document Type : Ecology


National Artemia Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Urmia, Iran. P.O.Box 365


Artemia is a crustacean whose importance as a livefood in the field of aquaculture, has been known since 1930 decade. Today Artemia culturing, is considered as the main way to achieve such animal. Due to influence of Artemia species on the growing of this species, in addition to the environmental items; In this study, an Artemia species from Ghom Province (A partenogenetica), were cultured together with an imported species (A.franciscana), each in 3 treatments as territorial ponds along the southern coast of Ghom’s Namak Lake for a 180-day growing period. The results indicated that Nauplii production, cyst culture and biomass production of the local species were more suitable than the imported one, as (80± 10) kg/hectare and (66± 5) kg/hectare of cyst were produced from A.partenogenetica and A.franciscana species, respectively. Also, (2,800± 25) and (2,200± 20) kg/hectare of biomass were achieved from A.partenogenetica and A.franciscana, respectively during the husbandry term. The final result of this study showed that adaptability of the local species with the local growing natural environmental conditions is more cost-effective and preserving the region from presence of the invasive species.
