Fish habitat use characteristics of Barbus lacerta (Heckel 1843) in Taleghan River (Sefid River basin)

Document Type : Ecology


1 Department of biodiversity, environmental sciences department, Science and Research Branch of Tehran

2 Department of fisheries , Karaj agricultural & natural resource department, Tehran University

3 Department of biodiversity , environmental sciences department, Science and Research Branch of Tehran


Investigation of habitat use characteristics play an important role in their management and decision about appropriate management is feasible only with understanding of their habitat requirements. This study was conducted to provide distribution data of Barbus lacerta and determination of its habitat use characteristics in order to its better management and protection. In the present study for investigation of the habitat use characteristics of Kura barbel in Taleghan River, environmental variables, including depth, river width, current velocity, temperature, elevation and diameter of substrate stones in 33 stations from upstream to downstream were measured. Then this data were analyzed using Habsel software. The range of used and selected habitat were obtained with regard to the availability of the habitat variables for specimens larger and smaller than 90 mm. The results showed that both studied groups select similar ranges, including river width of 2.5-7.5 me, elevation of 1400-1600 m asl, temperature of 16-15°C and substrate with stone diameter of 24-30 cm i.e. The younger Kura barbel selects lower depth area with lower river width and current velocity that have substrate with large stones, whereas adults selects same area with deeper water (48-54 cm) and larger bed stones. Since there is little study regarding habitat suitability of riverine fishes, the findings of this study can be used in long-term protection program and management of this species. In addition, the results can provide prediction of its distribution based on the environmental variable of river.
