Faunistic study of flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) Borujerd city Lorestan province

Document Type : Animal systematic


Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran


The Syrphid Flies namely Hoverfly (ability hovering) and flowerflies (able to hover over flowers) with almost 6000 species described is one of the largest families of order Diptera .their adult forms feed on nectar and pollen and act as Important pollinators. The larvae of many species of this family are predators of aphids and play an important role in biological control of pests. The present study deals with the faunistic investigation of syrphidae family in Borujerd city, Lorestan Province during 2013-2014, with regards of Some ecological factors were used. Adult specimes were collected randomly or by selected method from 10 different stations with different ecological factors. The specimens were killed by acetat ethyl and mounted and identified with Stubbs & Falk key identification. A total number of 10 species belong to 8 genuses and 2 subfamilies were identified. All the identified species were confirmed by Prof Barkalov in zoology museum of Siberia in Rassia the identified species are:
Subfamily: Eristalinae
Callicerae aenea, Syritta pipiens

Subfamily; Syrphinae
Sphaerophoria scripta , Eupeodes orolla ,Scaeva albomaculata, Episyrphus balteatus, Eupeodes latilunulatus*, Eupeodes latifasciatus*, Chrysotoxum intermedium ,Paragus tibialis
*Species that have been marked with an asterisk are reported for the first time of Boroujerd city in Lorestan province.
