Ecology of Mountain Gazelle ( Gazella gazella) in Faror Island, Persian Gulf

Document Type : Ecology


Department of Environment, Maybod Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maybod, Iran


Habitat selection of Mountain Gazelle (Gazella  gazella) in  Faror Island, Spring 2014, was studied. Habitat variables such as, percentage cover and height of grass,  Height and diameter of Acacia sp, Distance to the nearest plant patch, rock and slope percent in plots around pellet group (present points) was measured and compared with absent plots. The results showed significant difference between present and absent area in some habitat variables (P<0.05). In fact this species prefer shows percentage cover of grass, height of Acacia sp are most important habitat variables in habitat selection of this species. The results showed from habitat selection aspect is not significant difference between mountain, hills and flat landscapes (p=0.14).  With increasing diameter and height of Acacia sp, protection effect for thermal cover and shadow umbrellas w is more.  High percentage cover and height of grass have important role for provide water and mineral materials for this species in spring season.
