Study of growth and survival factors and sex ratio in the first-generation of Aloe vera-fed Xiphophorus helleri

Document Type : Physiology (Animal)


1 Department of Fisheries, School of Fisheries and the Environment, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, PO Box: 15739-49138, Gorgan, Iran

2 Agricultural Research and Training Organization, Fisheries Research Institute of Iran, Tehran, POBox: 149-14965


Aloe Vera is one of the most valuable medicine herbs in the world. In this experiment, the growth factor, survival and sex ratio were meagured in the first-generation off spring of the Xiphophorus helleri fed with Aloe vera extract. Productive fish were fed diet containing different levels of Aloe vera powder extract 0 (control or treatment 1), 20 (treatment 2), 40 (treatment 3), 80 (treatment 4) and 160 (treatment 5) mg / kg for 14 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the results showed that the highest number average of larvae than productive was observed in treatment 4 and the lowest number average of larvae than productive was observed in 2 and 5 treatments and there were no significant differences between 3 and 4 treatments (P >0.05). The highest and the lowest sex ratio of male to female were observed in treatments 5 and 3 respectively. As a general conclusion, it can be concluded that the use of 40 and 80 mg of Aloe Vera powder extract per kg of diet in female broodstock probably increased the number of replicated male Xiphophorus helleri larvae.


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