Determine of Cadmium, Copper and Zinc Concentration in Different Organs of Social Vole (Microtus socialis) in Kermanshah Province

Document Type : Animal environment


1 Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Kurdistan University, PO Box: 5986144741

2 Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty Environmental Science and Fishery, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Gorgan, P.O. Box 49138-15739, , Golestan, Iran


Rodents are very sensitive to metals exposure and they can be examined as an appropriate study sample since the similarity of heavy metals' pattern distribution between human and rodents' tissues. The aim of this study was determination of cadmium, copper and zinc concentration in muscle, liver, bone and kidneys of the social vole(Microtus socialis) in Kermanshah province. In the study, 12 social vole (6 male and 6 female) were collected by Sherman live-traps in 2016. The levels of copper, zinc and cadmium was measured by atomic absorption model of Phonix 986. The results showed, there is a significant difference in concentration of zinc, copper and cadmium between different tissues of the social vole (p< 0.01). The highest and lowest concentration of zinc were observed in the liver (15.68 μg/g, ww) and bone (15.68 μg/g, ww), respectively. The highest amount of copper was in the liver (13.31 μg/g ww) and the lowest amount of this metal was observed in the muscle (4.67μg/g, ww). Moreover, the highest and lowest levels of cadmium concentration were found in liver and bone with amount of 2.36 and 1.19 μg/g ww, respectively. So that there were a significant difference in zinc in the kidney and muscle (p< 0.01), copper in the muscle, liver and bone (p< 0.05), and cadmium only in bone between males and females. While, there was no significant difference in rest of the groups between the both sexes. By comparing the background concentration and the concentration of metals investigated in the liver tissue, the metals are located in the background and are not at critical levels.


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