Study of morphogenesis and allometric growth pattern of Sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus, during early larval development

Document Type : Morphology


1 Department of Fisheries Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Fisheries, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Karaj, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

3 Department of Pathobiology,Islamic Azad university Karaj Branch, P.O. Box:31485-313, Karaj, Iran


Allometric  growth  pattern  of  Sterlet  (Acipenser  ruthenus)  was  studied  during  larval development  from  hatching  up  to  50  days  post  hatching.  For  this  experiment,  in  total  180 specimens  were  sampled  and  their  left  side  photographed  using  a  digital  camera. Morphometric  parameters  of  this  study  obtained  from  2D  pictures  of  specimens  using  the software  ImageJ  and  allometric  growth  pattern  was  calculated  as  a  power  function  of  total length  using  non-transformed  data:  Y=axb.  Results  revealed  that  morphogenesis  and differentiation  during  early  ontogeny  i.e.  prelarval  stages  is  more  intense  than  larval  stage. The  allometric  growth  pattern  of  the  tail  length,  head  length  and  head  width  were  positive allometric  up  to  14,  17  and  20  dph,  respectively.  This  can  be  as  result  of  vital  functions importance  including  swimming,  respiration  and  sensory  systems  during  this  period.  The timing of finfold differentiation into unpaired fins (11-14 dph) is similar to that of tail growth pattern. Differentiation into unpaired along with growth of the tail and negative allometry of caudal peduncle in day 7 dph can be related to improve of fish swimming ability. 
